Fedora 30 fails to join Active Directory

Hi there,

I’m trying to configure our Fedora workstations to join our windows active directory with the following command:

realm join -U administrator --client-software=sssd domain.com

It gives me the following errors:

Couldn't create computer account: CN=F3BLK21, CN=Computers, DC=Domain, DC=com
problem 1006 (ATT_OR_VALUE_EXISTS), ATT 90303 (servicePrincipalName)

The machine hasn’t been added previously to the domain (Checking AD I can confirm there’s no computer object there for that machine).
Also this works fine on Centos 7 and Red Hat. All the same packages for Centos 7 and Red Hat 7 for this purpose is also installed on Fedora.

Any Ideas ?


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Try to temporary disable SELinux, check the service, test domain discovery:

sudo setenforce 0
systemctl status sssd.service
realm discover example.com

See also: Join in Active Directory Domain on Fedora 30


Sorry for the late reply. SELinux was disabled already. So that’s not the issue unfortunately.
SSSD service is also running. Realm discover works fine as well.


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You should compare the related configs:


I had a legacy domain that required to disable the /etc/krb5.conf.d/crypto-policies.