More tag stuff! Should we enable a "popular tags" sidebar?

I think it’d be useful to have more tagging in general. It helps with search (and essss eee oh, which I am not going to write out for fear of attracting spambots), and it lets experts more easily follow topics they’re particularly interested in — or lets anyone hide something they’re tired of seeing.

It would look like this:

What do you think?

  • Yes, enable it!
  • No, I don’t like it.

0 voters

Beside switching on all this things on, it might be a good idea to start a Wiki Topic where we can bring together tips and tricks how to use them and how we can make a better search with them.
This might help new users to understand better why we use this tags and older once, like me who are not from the “hash tag” generation, to use them more.


could serve as a start, although it’s admin-focused at the beginning. We’d clearly want something user-focused here. It’s also worth explaining that tags can be watched, tracked, or muted, just like categories.